Wednesday, February 05, 2014

What is NutraCann?

Nutracann ® is a unique colloidal substance, which facilitates the growth of plants
through its special structural characteristics. Formulated specifically for the
Cannabis crops.

Colloids are a natural substance that can disperse microscopically through
another substance.

They exist in nature, on the soil, in humans and animals. For example, milk and blood
they are colloidal substances.

Plants usually carry the nutrients dissolved in water through the xylem and
the phloem, while humans transport nutrients throughout the colloids of the
blood system.

Colloids are stations of attach and "carriers" of nutrients, chemical and
minerals, bringing it up to living cells. The effectiveness of Colloids is determined by its
size (surface/volume).

To most small size correlates to greater effectiveness. The natural colloids have
between 1 nm and 1000 nm. Nutracann ® has more than 80% of its particles
with sizes of 0.6 nm.

As a comparison, the water (that plant used as conveyor) has a size
of 1 micron, or 1,000 nanometers.

This feature makes Nutracann ® an efficient and effective conveyor of nutrients
being applied to the plant. The result is an increase in growth.

At the same time inhibits and slows the reproduction of pathogens that infect the
crops. This allow the immune system of crop overcomes diseases with a minimum or
non-existent aid of chemicals and pesticides.

The end result will be a reduction of the needs of chemical products and therefore
a reversal of the current trend degeneration seen in current crops.

Nutracann ® solution to sustainability and the yield of crops.

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